The following links are bits and pieces of tests and variations of the pages at this web site. A few are a bit more creative that the ones  that are linked directly to the main index page . If you are interested check them out and leave an opinion in the guest book. Thanks for your time.....

1.) Lostpages Index Variation

2.) Une Saison En Enfer  variation

3. Diane Butterfly Rose

4.) Tanya Time

5.) Seasons Warriors  Gold

6.) Head In The Stars

7.)  LAST of the LOSTPAgES

8.)  LAST of the LOSTPAgESb

9.)  LAST of the LOSTPAgESc

10.)  LAST of the LOSTPAgES d

11.)  LAST of the LOSTPAgESe

12) LAST of the LOSTPAgEf

13) Tanya Blue Danube

14.) LOSTPAgES (boxing training the final dance)


16.)Last Of the Lost Pages

17. fade

18  fade red.

19. fade redII

20. fadeIII

21.Last Of The LostPAgES

22. Casa Blanca

23. indexexp1





28.Reflected Refractions Variations in over the Rainbow

Gary'a   gary  humor page